Monday, April 25, 2011
If You Don't Know....I'll Just Tell You!
Today has been a hell of a day! Talk about going from lows to highs to lows and highs!
So let's start with yesterday. I hung out with Arvada's family and that was a ton of fun. I got to his rents house early to help with the meal. Just me and his parents got to talk and that was eye-opening. I really do love his family so much. My baby brother called to talk to me so I stepped to the end of the kitchen to talk to him. I could hear most everyone in the family there and it sounded like pure chaos..aka heaven. I asked to talk to my nephew "David" but in the process I talked to most of my sisters who kept telling me that I should be there. I was trying SO hard to keep it together. Then my girl Tennessee text me that she loved me and I thought I was gonna lose my shit. I love you more Tennessee!!! When I turned back around after my 10 min conversation with all the family Arvada's mom had tears in her eyes. She told me that she loved how my family was. I told her that I was holding on by a string so please be so very gentle. She walked over and asked to give me a hug and I said ok..as long as it was like a 2 second hug. She hugged me and said she was so happy that I was in their family too. Was she TRYING to make me cry!?!?! LOL! We had an Easter Egg hunt for adults that had money in the eggs. At one point, I MAY or MAY NOT have pushed Arvada's younger brother out of the way to get an egg that had a dollar in it. Hey..a dollar is a dollar dude!! I called my sister and was telling her how The Cowboy and I saw the egg and were both running towards it. My sisters said: "Oh hell. Did you hurt him?" Again, I MAY or MAY NOT have pushed over some nieces and nephews to get candy after a pinata was broken open :) I plead the 5th!
So after we went to Arvada's mom's house we went to his aunt and uncle's house and stayed there til around 7pm or so. After that we saw Poppa and on my way home I called my sister again and my big brother answered the phone. It was soooo good talking to him and we laughed for around 10 minutes til he handed/threw the phone to my sister Chapay. The FIRST thing I told my brother was...OMG..u answered our sister's phone?!?! This is a cardinal sin. It will get you cut. My sister is a freak about people not answering or even touching her damn phone. I was scared for his life!! I heard my sister in the background laughing with another one and before she could even say anything my brother said: "Loca was calling so I had to answer ur phone..I'm sorry!!!!!" Then I heard my sister say: "WTF?!?!?!....hello?" I asked what happened to my brother...she said he threw the phone at her and ran out!!! He may be a gangsta but the girls in this family are crazy! My entire family and extended family got together and were playing volleyball until around 9:30pm. I called and spoke to my dad today who had a hoarse voice from laughing and yelling all night. I sooo wish I had been there.
Then today...I was still really homesick and was just in an over-all foul mood. Then I had to deal with a vendor that I truly think is an idiot. Well, I told one of my co-workers that in an email but instead of replying to just that person I replied to ALL. Yes, that's right. I also included the vendor who I thought was an idiot and I was telling her that I thought she was an idiot. D'OH!!!!! I totally thought I was gonna be fired for that so I called my sister Chapay, who was laughing so ridiculously hard that it made me laugh. She reminded me that it wasn't MY fault this girl was an idiot but didn't know that so I had to tell her. We joked about how if I did get fired how I'd pack my bags and would just show up at my dad's house. We were trying to figure out all the expressions my dad would say and holy hell was that funny! There's nothing like thinking you're gonna be fired, then calling family who makes you laugh about you thinking you're getting fired. My sister made me feel better and made the point that if I did get canned the worst that could happen was me coming home. Boy wouldn't THAT suck!?!?!!? I didn't get fired. I confessed to my boss who was doubled over laughin so hard she had tears coming down her face. Phew! Saved by the boss's sick sense of humor!!!
So counting today I only have 40 more days!!! YAY!!! I booked my flight to go home and I am ridiculously beyond excited! I even pretended to have a lil white hankie and was jumping around in my office doing my "Hallelujah I'm Going Home" dance...LOL! Good thing no one walked in as I was getting down by myself!
40 days friends. 40 days.
Has it been 40 days yet?!?!?!
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1 comment:
WOMAN!! don't argue with me!!! i love you more!! Xo
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