Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Return

Holy moly macaroni it's been a while since I've unleashed my ramblings on the world! Hi! Hello! My goodness it's been a while. Even though this may be true, there really hasn't been THAT much change in my life. Unless you consider me and Arvada boy splitting. Yes,'s true. The last time I wrote things seemed to be getting better but that was almost 9 months ago but alas it was to be short lived. Things just weren't quite right between us. There wasn't any fighting, arguing or yelling but there wasn't that passion either. We were just going along on a road, always knowing that at the end of it there would be a fork to which we would go our own ways. What's the point of being with someone just for companionship if you know it's not gonna work?? I'm good on that, so I left. We're still really good friends and occasionally hang out. I love his family still. They love me, so we still get together for family dinners.

I'm moving to a different part of the city. The burbs weren't horrid but it's so far from my job and school. I want to be somewhat closer to civilization. I'm going apartment hunting on Saturday and am excited about it.

I have a secret. But I'm not telling. Not yet. I want to keep this close to my heart and savor it for just a while. When I decide to come out with it you'll be the first to know, I promise!

I've got a paper to write, so ta-ta for now :)

1 comment:

Cali ʚϊɞ said...

Ok, now that I've started posting again, where the hell are you?!
Get to posting sister! You know you want to!!!