Friday, August 21, 2009


Fall is in the air!!! Yay!!! Don't get me wrong, I effen love the summer but I love fall more. It's my favorite time of the year. That's when the hoodies, sweaters and baking come out. I don't really bake during the summer cuz it's too damn hot, but during the fall?? There is nothing better then smelling goodies baking and snuggling on the couch. I tolerate the winter. The only thing that makes winter bearable is that I get to snowboard. But other then that perk, I'm not fond of winter. The air is getting cooler and it's starting to get a nice crisp to it at nite. I took out one of my big blankets the other nite and have now put that on my bed. Fall means Halloween....YAY!!! This year Cap and I have narrowed down our choices to two: to either be Dorothy and the Lion or we're gonna be Laverne and Shirley.

Fall also Yep folks, I've done it. I've decided to get off my ass and get in gear with my life. I'm tired of not being where I want to be, so I enrolled in school again. I think since I was so gung-ho, that I might have bitten more then I can chew. I'm taking an intermediate algebra class, a children's lit (that's on Saturdays....gasp!!) and an integrated science class that is a mixture of physics and chemistry. WTF am I thinking?!?!?! I just want to get done as quickly as possible and be a teacher already!! I'm not getting any younger and it's totally dumb to waste my life on stuff that I shouldn't be doing. Especially since I KNOW what I want from life. Talk about waste! So, I'm now in the college ways. I'm excited, but nervous as well. I'm one week closer to my goal :)